5 Benefits of Hiring a CPA as Your Bookkeeper As a small business owner, you wear many hats. You are responsible for staying up to date with the changes in your industry, keeping track of inventory, ensuring all your insurance is up to date and managing your...
You want to start your own business because you believe in the “American Dream” and see an opportunity for success and prosperity. Although you may be aware that achieving success in a new business is hard work, you may not know that despite the good ideas...
Facing a divorce is hard and it can be especially hard if you own your own business. Separating business assets adds an additional layer to the already painful process. Regardless of whether your partner is involved in the business, a small business can be technically...
The Louisiana Mainstreet Recovery Grant is now available through the Louisiana Treasury. Here is what you need to know: The program started to accept applications on July 28th. In the first 21 days, (up to August 18th) special treatment will be...
PASBA stands for the Professional Association of Small Business Accountants. It was formerly known by the name of the National Association of Small Business Accountants. This organization was founded in 1982 with the idea of strategically organizing small business...
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