Whether you are an individual looking to get a better handle on your finances or a business owner looking to boost your company’s success, proper money management is incredibly important. Understanding how you make and spend money, the ways in which your finances are contributing to your goals, and areas of concern allows you to better allocate your resources and plan a path forward. However, finances can be difficult to properly take charge of, particularly when long-standing habits and processes need to be overhauled and reworked.

Thankfully, you do not need to handle your personal or business finances alone. Certified public accountants (CPAs) are well equipped to help proactively manage your finances in order to enhance your funds, plan for tax season and improve decision-making. And at Estess CPA, we don’t stop there. Alongside financial tools, we also provide advice, financial reviews and quickbooks training for both individuals and small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).


What is a CPA?


To become a CPA, one must meet a variety of rigorous requirements designed to give aspirant CPAs the necessary education and experience to do their jobs. While these requirements may vary from state to state, they often include some level of education—usually a bachelor’s degree in accounting, as well as courses in fields such as business—and practical experience. 

While work experience may not be required before taking the CPA exam, completing a certain number of hours will likely be necessary in order to gain a CPA license. This is the case in Louisiana, where one year of work experience in accounting, financial advisory, taxes or similar fields, verified by a licensed CPA, is required before a license can be issued by their state’s Board of Accountancy. Character and residency requirements may also be a consideration.


Benefits of Hiring a CPA 


Financial management and planning can be tricky to do well, and it’s easy to trip up and make mistakes, even as an experienced business owner. Hiring a CPA takes away much of the financial stress that comes with handling everything on your own, allowing you to focus on other pursuits. In the meantime, your CPA can help boost your personal and professional financial success, providing you with a stronger monetary foundation for the future. 


Some other benefits of hiring a CPA include:


Tax planning and filing assistance


A good CPA will stay up-to-date on tax laws and regulations, allowing them to accurately assist you in filing tax returns, taking advantage of applicable deductions, and preventing or preparing for an audit. Beyond just filing taxes, a CPA can also provide tax planning services to help you develop strategies that minimize liabilities and maximize financial growth.


Accurate and easy-to-understand accounting and assurance services 


These tools, which include compilations, reviews, and audits of financial statements, provide important insights for business owners, allowing you to better understand the state of your company and determine the most prudent direction to take. 


Bookkeeping services


CPA services often include taking charge of tracking your company’s income and transactions in order to present you with a comprehensive picture of your finances. This may allow CPAs to help you avoid costly mistakes and instead focus on sustainably growing your company. In addition to accounting expertise, CPAs often provide bookkeeping services to ensure accurate financial records, helping businesses maintain organization and compliance..


Financial advice


Whether considering your finances as an individual or business owner, a CPA can discuss investments, budgets, retirement and estate planning, and more in order to help you lay the framework for a successful financial future. By utilizing a financial advice service, you can make informed decisions that align with your long-term goals and ensure financial stability.


More time, less stress


By hiring a CPA, you can free up the time you would be spending on complex day-to-day financial planning and instead focus on running your business. And as an individual, you can be reassured that there is someone in your corner helping you to achieve your financial goals.


Developing a stronger understanding of your business


As your CPA takes a deep dive into the monetary side of your business, they can assess the direction in which your company is going, as well as any changes which need to be made. As such, by working with a CPA, you may be able to develop a better understanding of your own company. 


CPAs for Small Businesses


While any individual or business may benefit from a CPA’s services, small businesses may have the most to gain. After all, the fewer employees a business owner has, the more tasks each person has to take on. And as people hurry to tend to the many aspects of running a business, time-consuming financial management can fall by the wayside. This may not only allow small mistakes to go unnoticed, but also entire tasks to be completed late.

A CPA for small businesses can help take the stress of financial management off of your plate, keeping you up-to-date on your income and spending habits while also saving you money on your taxes. While these are the same services a CPA can perform for any company, in a business where poor financial planning can deal a heavy blow to your business, they are all the more important.


How to Find the Right CPA for Yourself or Your Business


In order to find the right CPA for you or your business, make sure to gather as much information as you can. Consider searching for reviews and asking for referrals in order to find a selection of trusted CPAs. Then, schedule a meeting in order to discuss the services they offer, your personal or professional needs, and how much you will be charged. You may also want to review their qualifications as an added reassurance of their knowledge and experience. Then, once you have done your due diligence in regards to research, consider the pros and cons of each CPA before making your decision. 


Contact Estess CPA to Start Planning Your Financial Future 


In order to achieve personal or professional financial success, it is important to use any and all tools which are available to you. Certified public accountants are one such resource, on hand to help you with everything from tax filing and deductions to payroll to financial literacy training. 

And at Estess CPA, we provide all of these services and more. With over 20 years of experience serving SMBs in the Greater New Orleans area, we are ready to help you acquire the information you need to build a strong financial foundation for yourself or your business. If you would like to learn more about working with us, or if you are ready to take the plunge, Click Here a call or schedule an appointment today.