After you file your taxes process all of your W-2s and 1099-Cs, you feel a sense of relief. That is until you receive correspondence or a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Don’t panic because the IRS sends many types of notices and letters....
The IRS audit–it’s not a joke, even though many jokes have been made about audits and auditors. An IRS audit is simply a review or examination of an organization’s financial information to verify that the information is recorded correctly, and the reported...
One word that might strike fear into the heart of a business owner: “audit.” But, don’t run screaming from the room. There are several types of audits and they should not be feared, including the IRS-conducted business audit. Both the benefit...
After just a few short years in business for herself, it was her first run-in with the IRS and she was panicking.  Thankfully, she had used a certified public accountant (CPA) to help her set up the business and file her taxes each year. Once she calmed down she...
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